Increase growth and profit  through good service
Increase growth and profit through good service
Our aftermarket solutions

Experts in After Sales 

For industrial companies, growth and profit depend on their parts business and on providing new, innovative services. Benefit from our sophisticated concepts and strategies for developing a successful After Sales service, tailored precisely to your needs. This allows you to optimally utilize your resources and remain competitive in the long-term.

The After Sales of today leads to the business of tomorrow

Inspire customers – and gain their long-term loyalty to your products, your services and your brands. Any company wanting to have long-term success in the market needs a professional aftermarket service. That presents many companies with significant challenges, from deciding on the right strategy through to developing new processes. We show you how to shape your aftermarket business and turn your customer service into a unique experience – from successful point-of-sale concepts to individual logistics solutions for your spare parts business. We give you all the tools you need.

Use profitable business models to set the right course for your company’s future.

How we work at STAR
How we work at STAR
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Pooled skills and a passion for the projects of the future: STARS work together on After Sales solutions.
What our customers say
  • „With STAR COOPERATION, we have found a real process expert.“
    Christian Huster, Christian Huster, General Service Manager, Coperion
  • „Along with their experience, what I particularly like about STAR is their pragmatism and that they stick reliably to timings.“
    Bernhard Urban, Global After Sales and Parts Coordinator, Putzmeister GmbH
  • „STAR has proved to be an extremely reliable and capable partner.“
    Simone May, After Sales Business Management, BMW Group
  • „Great ideas and full implementation, all from a single source.“
    Matthias Bienert, Marketing Team Leader at KSPG
  • „Quick decision-making processes and a fixed contact person who always makes us feel like we are their number one priority.“
    Lukas Musiol, TLogistics Team Leader, Toll Collect GmbH
  • „This has left us with the lasting impression of a reliable, experienced and cost-conscious full-service provider.“
    Gunnar Niemann, Group Manager for Service Partner Management, Toll Collect

Solutions that will always keep you one step ahead

After Sales white paper

So that you know today whats going to be important tomorrow

  • Don't call it After Sales
    After Sales is a thing of the past: why companies need to think differently
  • The transformation of traditional aftermarket services
    How current technology trends are changing tomorrow’s After Sales services
  • The effects of psychological pricing
    How you can make effective use of customers’ subconscious thought patterns
  • Data-driven pricing
    Using big data to define smart pricing in operational business

STAR® expertise to help your After Sales service succeed

  • Consulting


    Profitieren Sie von fundierten Strategien und optimierten Prozessen. Dafür sorgen unsere Consulting-Experten. Mit Branchenwissen und viel Erfahrung beraten wir Sie in den Bereichen Vertrieb, Marketing und After Sales.
  • Elektronik


    Profitieren Sie von weitergedachter Technik. Wir bieten Ihnen Tools für Mess- und Simulationstechnik, Steuerungstechnik, Werkstatt- und Fertigungseinrichtungen sowie Energieversorgung und Energiemanagement.
  • Engineering


    Profitieren Sie entlang Ihrer gesamten Wertschöpfungskette: Unsere Experten beraten, entwickeln, testen, fertigen und setzen Ihre Projekte schnell und erfolgreich um. Damit Sie Zeit und Kosten sparen.
  • IT


    Profitieren Sie von Strategien, Konzepten und den richtigen Tools für Ihr digitales Business. Unsere IT-Experten helfen Ihnen dabei, Prozesse zu verbessern und Kosten nachhaltig zu reduzieren. Für nachhaltige Projekterfolge.
  • Logistik


    Profitieren Sie von Beratung, Managed Services und operativen Dienstleistungen rund um das Thema Logistik. Vom einzelnen Prozessschritt bis hin zur effizienten Supply Chain und zum erfolgreichen Handel.
  • Medien


    Profitieren Sie von durchdachten Strategien, ausgearbeiteten Prozessen und passenden Tools, mit denen sie Ihre Zielgruppe auf allen Kanälen erreichen und begeistern. Für erfolgreiche Kommunikation.
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Do you have a question for our experts?
Alexander Fuchs

Alexander Fuchs

+49 7031 6288-594

Contact us

Alexander Fuchs
Do you have a question?
  • BDU - Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater e.V.
  • Top Empleyer - Automotive Deutschland 2016
  • kununu - Top Company
  • EY Entrepreneur des Jahres 2013
  • Fair Company 2015
  • TÜV Süd - ISO 9001
  • Beste Berater 2015
  • Deutschlands kundenorientierte Dienstleister 2011
  • Top 100 - 2011
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